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Team Leaders are responsible for ensuring the timely completion of the following deliverables:

  1. Design a model Stretch curriculum for 2013-2014. June 15, 2013
  2. Plan one or more Spring 2013 retreats for stakeholders, allies, select PCC faculty, and faculty from other educational institutions to inform the model Stretch curriculum and summer Professional Development Institute (PDI). Ongoing November 2012-August 2013.
  3. Develop a reader for the 2013 Professional Development Institute (PDI). July 1, 2013.
  4. Deliver Summer 2013 PDI for PCC Faculty, allies, and interested faculty from other educational institutions to support the implementation of our model Stretch curriculum for 2013-14. Report Due August 24, 2013.
  5. Schedule, plan, and lead meeting with English Stretch Redesign Team (Dustin Hanvey, Nika Hogan, Brian Adler, Kirsten Ogden, Elsie Rivas Gomez). Ongoing August 2012-August 2013.
  6. Maintain Canvas page for internal use by Stretch Redesign team that includes meeting notes, action items, research, discussions about pedagogy, and collaborative inquiry. Ongoing August 2012-August 2013.
  7. Design and maintain website and Wikispace for public use that will include the following: documentation of inquiry process; program progress updates; bibliography of writing and teaching scholarship; resources for faculty; recruitment efforts; and publicity from events. Ongoing January 2013-August 2013.
  8. Recruit English Redesign Advisory Board. February 15, 2013.
  9. Schedule, plan, and lead meetings with English Redesign Advisory Board. Ongoing February 15, 2013.- August 2013.
  10. Recruit faculty to teach Stretch Curriculum in Fall 2013. Ongoing October 2012-May 2013.
  11. Work with campus stakeholders to design Directed Self Placement for Fall of 2013. April 1, 2013.
  12. Work with administrators and stakeholders to schedule linked English 100/ English 1A courses for Fall 2013-2014 stretch courses. Ongoing January 2013-August 2013.
  13. Work with Rob Lee to design a Supplemental Instruction (SI) component for the Stretch curriculum. Ongoing December 2012-August 2013.
  14. Work with Tina Christie and researchers from UCLA, as well as Crystal Kolross and Dustin Tamashuri, on an evaluation strategy for English Redesign. Ongoing December 2012-August 2013.
  15. Design a CANVAS support site for Summer Professional Development Institute. July 1, 2013.
  16. Compile Summer PDI Report to present at the SASI Innovation Awards presentation August 24, 2013

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